“The Eye of the Cosmic Storm”

“The Eye of the Cosmic Storm”

In a specific cosmic place in space and time, a being known as the Eye roamed. The Eye was an entity of mysterious origin and was said to be the guardian of the multiple universes. It looked like an eye, with an iris that glowed with a bright orange light.

“Eye of the Supernova”

“Eye of the Supernova”

The being, known as the Eye, had been drifting in the cosmic place between universes for centuries. It was an entity of pure energy, shaped like an eye with a glowing yellow iris. As it floated through the vastness of space and time, it was drawn towards a supernova. Upon arriving, the Eye was consumed by the brilliant light, radiating with power and energy. The supernova created a black hole, and the Eye was pulled into its depths, where it experienced a cosmic time warp. As time and space twisted and warped around the Eye, it emerged, renewed and charged with the power of the supernova.

#CosmicEye #EyeOfTheSupernova ??? From the collection Eye Space

Grappling with Software in Outer Space

Grappling with software in outer space art by Web Dimensions

As the super genius alien mastermind floated through the vacuum of space, she pondered the perplexing mathematical concepts that had been troubling her. She had thought she had grasped them, but now she was not so sure. Perhaps it was the lack of gravity that was disorienting her, or maybe it was the lack of oxygen to her brain. Whatever the reason, she could not seem to make sense of the equations.

She floated there for hours, going over the concepts again and again in her mind, but she could not make any progress. Frustrated, she finally gave up and returned to her spaceship. Maybe she could find the answers she was looking for back on her home planet.

Now available at opensea.io, my latest creation Grappling with Software in Outer Space. A beautifully realized piece of visual artwork from my collection Psychedelic Funkatology.

Grappling with Software in Outer Space original art by Web Dimensions

Funkatology in the Wilderlands

One day, Funkatology was out romping in the wilderness when he came across a strange animal. The animal led him to an enchanted part of the forest where he found a beautiful waterfall. Funkatology was amazed by the beauty of the waterfall and decided to stay there for a while.

Now available at opensea.io, my latest creation Funkatology in the Wilderlands. A beautifully realized piece of visual artwork from my collection Psychedelic Funkatology.